Your guide to playing Star Wars Legion in South Africa

So, you have assembled your Legion. Painted Darth Vader to perfection and maybe even a few of your Stormtroopers. You have played a few games against friends and family around the kitchen table. But now you feel the need to branch out into the bigger world of miniature gaming.

For some, this is a scary step. Where do you go play your first competitive match of Legion? Well, have no fear as we hope to shed some light on some of the stores and clubs around South Africa that will enable you to spread your wargaming wings.

There are many options available should you want to test your skills or even just meet new people who share a passion for this hobby. This most likely would be at a local hobby shop or club. To make things easier for you, we have compiled a list of the most prominent stores and clubs where you can either purchase or play Star Wars Legion, neatly sorted by region.




We hope that the above breakdown of stores & clubs will help guide you to a location that will suite your gaming needs.

Should you have any additional questions or queries about Legion, feel free to reach out to us on our Facebook Page (