What is #PlayAtHome

Welcome to #PlayAtHome, the Facebook group where we want to know what you are playing during lockdown. From UNO to Catan, we want to see what your family is playing! Post your pics and share the joy of play with your friends. Let’s make #PlayAtHome go viral! Beat the Boredom with a Board Game!

This is your guide on how to participate and grow the #PlayAtHome community from the comfort of your home. 

Follow us on-

#Playathome group

Join a community of 800+ members that all share a love for board games. Share your most treasured moments playing board games with your family or get a great idea for moving your games online. 
[see example right]

How to join:

  1. Head to the #PlayAtHome group.
  2. Click “Join”. You may need to wait for an admin to approve, but that happens in no time.
  3. Write a post/upload a picture of your favorite board games.
  4. Engage with posts you LOVE.
  5. Remember to use the hashtag #playathome for all your posts.

unplug yourself facebook

Like and Follow the authority on all things Tabletop Gaming in South Africa. Get first access to news, product releases, competitions and events.

Get the latest:

  1. Head to the Unplug Yourself Page.
  2.  Like & Follow.
  3. Get all the latest news on all things tabletop gaming.
  4. Use @unplugyourselfza to tag us in any of your posts. We want to hear from you!

unplug yourself Instagram

Follow Unplug Yourself on Instagram to get amazing images from events and competitions.

Find us on the Insta!

  1. Follow the Unplug Yourself profile.
  2. Love and comment on our posts.
  3. Tag us in all your board game images.
  4.  Remember to use the hashtag #playathome and #for all your posts.