Unplug Yourself
X-Wing Nationals
The Unplug Yourself X-Wing Nationals is an exciting event for players of the popular tabletop game X-Wing. The event brings together players from all over the country to compete in a two-day tournament for the title of national champion. Attendees can expect intense and competitive gameplay, as well as the opportunity to meet and connect with other players who share their passion for the game.
Unplug Yourself and ThreePlus will be hosting the Star Wars 2022 South African Nationals on 28th and 29th January 2023.
The tournament format includes Swiss and Knock Out style, with a side event called “Aces High” on Day 2. A range of prizes, including vouchers and limited-edition T-shirts, will be awarded to the top finishers, as well as the best new player.
Test yourself and join the community for a weekend of fun and competitive Star Wars XWing game events!
In addition to the tournament, attendees can also expect a fun and inclusive atmosphere where players of all skill levels are welcome to participate. The event organizers will provide the necessary materials and equipment, so attendees just need to bring their own X-Wing ships, dice, and tokens.
Star Wars: X-Wing 2nd Edition is a tabletop miniatures game produced by Atomic Mass Games.
The Unplug Yourself X-Wing Nationals is a great opportunity for players to test their skills and strategies, as well as to have a great time with other X-Wing enthusiasts.
Assemble a squadron of iconic starfighters from across the Star Wars saga and engage in fast-paced, high-stakes space combat with iconic pilots such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.
Event Details:
Date: January 28th and 29th
Venue: 3+ (Roosevelt Park Bowling Club, 51 Milner Ave, Roosevelt Park, Randburg)
The event will take place over two days at the Roosevelt Park Bowling Club, located at 51 Milner Ave, Roosevelt Park, Randburg. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to check-in and set up for the tournament.
Organizer Contact Information
Adam Prevo’st (Solarpop) – adam@solarpop.co.za
Peter van Dyk (Threeplus and RPBC) – plxvandyk@gmail.com
Nick Smuts (Threeplus) – salohza42@gmail.com
There is currently a cap of 32 players.
Please add yourself either via email: salohza42@gmail.com or via WhatsApp (0834538642)
Registration costs:
Players wishing to participate must purchase an event ticket on the day.
Ticket Price: Unplug Yourself Star Wars X-Wing Nationals 2022 Entry: R150.00 Main event Only. Side event Free
Player Requirements:
Players should have all materials needed to play. This includes tokens, models, and associated cards, as well as 2 copies of your list, printed.
- One to provide to the TO on the day
- One to provide to your opponent before play
Players MUST Submit their list for the main event to salohza42@gmail.com or via WhatsApp 0834538642, by the 26th of January 2023 before the event start. In the form of a YASB Link. https://yasb.app/
Rules Disputes:
In the event of a rules dispute players are encouraged to call for a Judge. Judges will confer with the players before addressing the issue in accordance with the current Rules
Reference Guide.
The tournament will be run using the still current Tournament Regulations. Players will be issued warnings and, if necessary, disqualified in accordance with the current
Tournament Regulations. We strongly encourage our players to call for a Judge if at any stage they believe there is an issue in line with this document.
Examples of behaviour warranting a Judge’s involvement include, but are not limited to collusion, slow play, aggressive behaviour, and cheating.
Event Format
Main Event Format
- The event will be a Swiss tournament on Day 1
- The event will be a progressive cut starting on Day 2
- Top 8 Players with a 3-1 rating or higher will move to the Main Event Day 2. (Subject to the number of entries on the day)
- All Events will use the latest rules provided by Atomic Mass Games. This includes but is not limited to:
- X-Wing Rule Reference
- X-Wing Errata Reference
- Ship Points
- Upgrade Points
- Scenarios
- Ban List
- Tournament Regulations
All of which can be found here https://www.atomicmassgames.com/xwing-documents
The event will be run using the points, rules, and tournament documents that are current as of 25th January 2023.
Product Legality: All FFG & AMG products that have been released within the SA through 25th January 2023 that are Standard Format eligible are legal.
Battle Of Yavin Scenario Pack, Siege of Coruscant Battle Pack, and Hotshots and Aces II Reinforcements Pack will be allowed. A good facsimile/copy of pilots, cards, etc must be present on the table as is standard for all other cards for the above-mentioned packs only.
Day 2 Side Event: Aces High
- The Day 2 Side event will be an Aces High event
- Event registration will open up at the end of Day 1.
- There will be a registration sheet to sign up.
- This is a friendly casual event
- Entry is free
- All Event rules apply.
Day 2 Side Event: Casual X-Wing Tournament
- The Day 2 Side event will be a Casual X-Wing Tournament
- Event registration will open up at the end of Day 1.
- There will be a registration sheet to sign up for each Pod.
- This is a friendly casual event
- Entry is free
- All Event rules apply.
- 4 games of Swiss with no cut.
Event Schedule:
8:00 AM Pre-Registration
9:00 AM Player Meeting
9:30 AM Day 1 Round 1
11:00 AM Day 2 Round 2
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Day 1 Round 3
3:00 PM Day 1 Round 4
6:00 PM End of Day 1
9:00 AM Day 2 Round 1
9:30 AM Casual X-Wing Round 1
10:30 AM Day 2 Round 2
11:00 AM Casual X-Wing Round 2
12:00 PM Lunch
12:30 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Day 2 Round 3
1:30 PM Casual X-Wing Round 3
2:30 PM Day 2 Round 4
3:00 PM Casual X-Wing Round 4
4:00 PM Announce Winners
4:30 PM Prizes
4:30 PM End of Day 2
5:30 PM End of Day 2
Prize Support:
1st Place: Voucher
2nd Place: Voucher
3rd Place: Voucher
Best New Player: Voucher
Top 10 Players: Limited-edition UY X-Wing Nationals T-shirts
Prizes and Giveaways
At the end of the main event, prizes will be awarded.
Prizes for Unplug Yourself Star Wars X-Wing Nationals 2022 are handed out based on participation and a player’s ranking. Prizes are awarded to the appropriate players once
a player’s final ranking is guaranteed within a particular prize tier.