Come and join us at the college of the natural and (the not so natural) sciences of Strixhaven. Welcome to the Witherbloom Witchcraft C21 commander deck review and local upgrade guide. The deck was generously supplied by Unplug Yourself.
The Witherbloom commander deck is based on life gain and life loss, with the face commander Willowdusk, Essence Seer working beautifully in the theme. Gaining life with cards that have lifelink or actual lifegain stapled on them such as Pristine Talisman fuels your commander’s ability and provides utility with cards such as Veinwitch Coven, or even deals damage with the likes of Dina, Soul Steeper or Sanguine Bond.
This is a substantial decrease in mana cost for the same effect.
Good graveyard hate that helps us with the secondary theme.
Decreases our mana curve while providing card draw and a possible win condition.
Gray Merchant of Asphodel – This card would be insane with our theme and would be able to recur with our deck.
Reassembling Skeleton and cards of the same vein. More sacrifice fodder for our deck would make it much more effective in gaining more life and activating important triggered effects.
Skullclamp – Every good sacrifice runs this card draw machine as it is so effective.
Triskelion – This card is extremely strong in this deck as it is a threat on its own with your commander and lifegain.
Elvish Mystic and one drop mana creatures – These creatures not only ramp you but are sacrifice fodder in the late game.
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose – This creature is a grand slam in this deck providing more ways to kill your opponent.
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord – A very effective way to kill your opponent with your large creatures after you activate Willowdusk, Essence Seer.
Staff of Domination – To infinity and beyond, well only infinite mana and sick combos.
Diabolic Tutor and other tutors – There are quite a few cheap and effective tutors in black and green which always make your deck more efficient.
Bastion of Remembrance – This is another Zulaport Cutthroat in the deck which is much harder to deal with.
The fully upgraded list gets all the toys to sacrifice and drain your opponents. There are also tutors and infinite combos included in the deck to win on the spot. The land base could be further upgraded with more fetchlands and lands like Gaea’s Cradle and Ancient Tomb if one would like.
Now go forth and pest(er) the other students with your grasp of the natural and unnatural sciences.
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Easy Gaming Group